Thursday, July 24, 2008

"in a relationship"

it's pretty obvious to me that social networks are big parts of our everyday lives, and i especially like seeing references to them in daily reading.

this morning my rep sent me 'the dirt', which is just a collection of all the celebrity headlines you will likely stumble across in the blogosphere that day. one of today's bits of information was about tim gunn (of television station bravo fame) giving dish on a romance that apparently starts between two contestants on the upcoming season of 'project runway'. then continues on to cite sources who say:
Apparently [the contestants] have listed each other as the “top friend” on their MySpace pages and now list themselves as “in a relationship.”

ah, yes. 'top friend' applications and relationship statuses infiltrating your everyday news, ladies and gentlemen. the digital age is (read: has been) upon us.

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